"In dog beers, I've only had one!"

Sunday, March 18, 2012

My First Beer!

Buzzard Brew, Batch I, West Coast Pale Ale. This was made from the stock Mr Beer starter kit. I was pleasantly surprised by it's NON mediocre taste! Sure, it resembles a domestic BMC (Bud-Miller-Coors) but it is bubbly and tasty! Looking forward to how the other 7 quarts will taste as they continue to cold condition. Overall a 7/10.

And as soon as I finish dinner, I'm off to the Man Cave to bottle Batch II - the Englishman's Nut Brown Ale. This is also a stock Mr Beer kit, but this one includes Unhopped Malt Extract instead of the powered "Booster". Should be a completely different experience.


I will not be able to begin Batch III any time soon. Not enough empty bottles.... but when I get ready I'll have to decide what to make - Canadian Draft, Vienna Lager, Irish Stout, a Wheat (Weizenbier), or another Pale Ale. Gonna be a fun spring/summer!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Happy Buzzard Day

Now that they've been bottled for 12 days, I moved all eight quarts of West Coast Pale Ale from the cool dark basement closet into the mini-fridge. This should begin the final cold conditioning phase - the longer the beer stays there the better. I plan to open a bottle on Sunday to see how I did, but the rest will stay refrigerated for several weeks to let the hop and malt flavors come to the foreground. Sunday will also be bottling day for the 2nd batch - the Nut Brown Ale that folks claim tastes a little like Newcastle.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

2nd Batch Made

With the 2 gallons of West Coast Pale Ale I set back 2 weekends ago brewed, P helped me today with the bottling. 2 more weeks to fully-carbonate, then a couple of days of conditioning, and I should have my first batch of brewskis on March 20th (give or take). I began brewing my second batch - a Nut-Brown Ale advertised to be a poor man's Newcastle. Should be drinkable sometime in early April.