"In dog beers, I've only had one!"

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Hey, Didn't You Used To Be My Blog?

So, after a couple of years of idleness at the Picobrewery, Buzzard's Brew is back!

I took a quick inventory of the HMEs and UMEs this weekend, tossed all of the old PET bottles and replaced them with new ones from Rural King (Sixteen half-liter PET bottles - woo hoo!), and dug out the old Beer Plan spreadsheet to see what the original schedule was.  Turns out that except for fresh Pallisade hops and some brown sugar, I've got everything I need to for twelve varieties. So, without further ado, we're resuming with BB-XV, Original Sin Doppelbock.

The label is still awesome, though I'll need to touch it up. This is BB-XV, not BB-XII. And the bottles will be 16 Fl Oz, not 32. But otherwise - yeah - I can work with this. I still have the original artwork, and my account at BeerLabelizer should still be valid, so I don't see this as being a problem. [UPDATE:  The label image has been fixed!]

Original Sin will be based on the Linebacker Doppelbock HME and Creamy Brown UME.  It should produce a malty beer, 4.6% ABV, 34 SRM (color), 22 IBU (bitterness), and will weigh-in overall as a Class-5 Brew. I'll be making the wort, pitching the yeast, then setting it aside to ferment today. I'm hoping the ingredients are all still "good", particularly the brewer's yeast.

The original schedule called for an English Bitter - Bitter Buzzard (BB-XIV) - as the next beer, but with no hops on hand we're skipping to BB-XV and will prepare to make the Bitter in a few weeks. Besides, I will need to get some more bottles first.

Recalling the time it takes to make beer, the fermentation process takes a minimum of 2 weeks, then another 2 weeks for carbonation once the beer has been bottled, followed by 3 days of cold conditioning, makes a 31-day process.  So, the overall schedule (including future brews) for the next 3 months - assuming I keep on track - looks like:

Original Sin Doppelbock (BB-XV):  25-Jan (today): Brew & begin fermentation. 8-Feb: Bottle & begin carbonation. 22-Feb: Transfer to cold conditioning. 25-Feb: Doppelbock ready

Bitter Buzzard English Bitter (BB-XIV):15-Feb: Brew & begin fermentation (assuming I have Palisade hops & brown sugar). 1-Mar: Bottle & begin carbonation (assuming I have more bottles). 15-Mar: Transfer to cold conditioning. 18-Mar: English Bitter ready

Dark Epiphany 2 Irish Stout (BB-XVI): 8-Mar: Brew & begin fermentation. 22-Mar: Bottle & begin carbonation (assuming I have bottles available). 5-Apr: Transfer to cold conditioning. 8-Apr: Irish Stout ready.

Should be a fun spring.

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