"In dog beers, I've only had one!"

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Fun With Labels

I've had a few minutes this evening to monkey around with the labels for my next two upcoming brews - BB-XVI Dark Epiphany 2 Irish Stout and BB-XVII Soylent Amber Ale.

Owing to the backlog of Malt Extracts I have currently in inventory, as well as my personal preference for Stouts, it's probably not a surprise that there are THREE scheduled brews of Dark Epiphany over the next eleven beers I'll be making.

The one scheduled for next week will be the first repeat of a previous brew, so the precedent I will be establishing with the name and label will be carried forward on other repeats - such as Farty Monk and Angry Weasel, both coming around later this summer.

The label you see at the top of this blog entry is the design I was planning to use for Dark Epiphany 2, but there was something about it that just didn't feel right. Don't misunderstand me, I believe that the label is absolutely stunning in its simplicity and bold use of fonts and colors, and the label for the original BB-II Dark Epiphany looked damn sexy when slapped on a beautiful Grolsch bottle. But the more I looked at the label, the more convinced I became that the "2" in the name just didn't fit. So, on a whim, I replaced it with its Roman Numeral equivalent. The result is on the right, and I tell ya what, its going to be tough for me not to go that way.

Meanwhile, I scoured the Interwebs to see if anyone had beaten me to the punch with a logo or label concept for my BB-XVII Soylent Amber Ale brew. Sure enough, on CafePress there was a logo for "Soylent Beer" featuring an Oktoberfest mug inside a recycle logo. Since imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, I took that concept and with the help of BeerLabelizer I was able to whip up my own prototype for that upcoming brew.

"Beer Flavored"  Yeah, I get a chuckle out of that.

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