"In dog beers, I've only had one!"

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Fun With Labels

I've had a few minutes this evening to monkey around with the labels for my next two upcoming brews - BB-XVI Dark Epiphany 2 Irish Stout and BB-XVII Soylent Amber Ale.

Owing to the backlog of Malt Extracts I have currently in inventory, as well as my personal preference for Stouts, it's probably not a surprise that there are THREE scheduled brews of Dark Epiphany over the next eleven beers I'll be making.

The one scheduled for next week will be the first repeat of a previous brew, so the precedent I will be establishing with the name and label will be carried forward on other repeats - such as Farty Monk and Angry Weasel, both coming around later this summer.

The label you see at the top of this blog entry is the design I was planning to use for Dark Epiphany 2, but there was something about it that just didn't feel right. Don't misunderstand me, I believe that the label is absolutely stunning in its simplicity and bold use of fonts and colors, and the label for the original BB-II Dark Epiphany looked damn sexy when slapped on a beautiful Grolsch bottle. But the more I looked at the label, the more convinced I became that the "2" in the name just didn't fit. So, on a whim, I replaced it with its Roman Numeral equivalent. The result is on the right, and I tell ya what, its going to be tough for me not to go that way.

Meanwhile, I scoured the Interwebs to see if anyone had beaten me to the punch with a logo or label concept for my BB-XVII Soylent Amber Ale brew. Sure enough, on CafePress there was a logo for "Soylent Beer" featuring an Oktoberfest mug inside a recycle logo. Since imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, I took that concept and with the help of BeerLabelizer I was able to whip up my own prototype for that upcoming brew.

"Beer Flavored"  Yeah, I get a chuckle out of that.

Update: Original Sin Labels

Just a quick update. While waiting for the Inevitable Betrayal bottles to complete their sanitization sit, I went ahead and pulled the 16 pint bottles of Original Sin out of the Conditioning Cabinet and slapped labels on all of them. The process is actually easy:

Step 1 - Open the artwork in Microsoft Windows Photo Viewer

Step 2 - Print them 9 to a page to a handy-dandy color inkjet printer (9 per page ensures that they're all sized like a Wallet Photo, which is the proper size for 500mL and 740mL PET bottles.)

Step 3 - Cut them out so that no white shows. Don't worry about getting the edges "clean", they're going on a dark brown bottle - nobody will notice that they're not perfectly oval.

Step 4 - Use a glue stick to coat the backside of the label and stick it on the bottle, smoothing each label out when done so that they adhere uniformly.

That's all there is to it. The labels will be good for several months, and will come right off with soap and water or after a nice soak in a sudsy sink of OxyClean solution.

Behold the finished product!

99 Bottles Of Beer

With it having been three years since the last time I actually bottled beer, I had to do a little research last weekend when the 2 gallons of Original Sin were ready to undergo the process. If you've been following this blog since day one, you know that I've used both the stock PET plastic-ish bottles that came with my Mr. Beer starter kit as well as Grolsch-style glass bottles. Both styles of bottles presented advantages and disadvantages. The PET bottles are ugly but effective, while the Grolsch bottles are beautiful but don't seal well and end up allowing pressure to escape during carbonation, effectively ruining the product.

Substance beats style, every time.

Oh sure, I could invest in regular glass bottles and a capping device, and I may end up doing that in the future. But for the present, Buzzard's Brew will be utilizing easy-to-clean, easy-to-sanitize, reusable PET bottles.


Anyway, there I was, staring at a fresh case of 16, 500mL PET bottles. That's 16.9 oz, or just a smidge larger than a pint to you and me. These bottles, plus the 12, 740mL (24oz) bottles I picked up at Rural King, would allow me to bottle two complete batches. All of the older bottles had been recycled at the county dump - I was starting fresh.

Neither of these cases were air-tight, naturally. So the bottles had been manufactured, placed in cases, and had lived in warehouses and on store shelved, exposed to anything and everything in the air from the environments they had been exposed to. The Mr. Beer kit instructions called for mixing powdered sanitizer with water and bathing the inside of the bottles, but considering that these particular bottles had enjoyed their own possibly nasty journey on there way to me, I wanted to take it a little further.

I dissolved some OxyClean in a sink of hot water, then submerged each bottle for a minimum of 15 minutes. They were then removed, rinsed thoroughly using a faucet jet bottle cleaning adapter, and set to air dry for two hours. The clean bottles were then transported to the Man Cave, where they underwent the formal pre-bottling sanitizing procedure.
Fill a 2 QT container with warm water and add 1/4 of a packet of One-Step Sanitizer (= 1.5 tsp). Stir to dissolve. Fill 1/2 of the bottles half-way with the mixture, seal with lids, and shake vigorously. (Repeat this procedure for the 2nd half of the bottles as well). Allow the bottles to sit for a minimum of 10 minutes, then drain. No rinsing is necessary.
After that, the bottles were ready to be filled. I placed the keg on the edge of the sink, propping up the back end of the keg with an empty DVD case to lower the spigot-end slightly - it has been my experience that the last few bottles of beer will fill quicker, and I don't have to risk any sediment coming from the keg as the angle is very slight. In the past, each bottle would be primed with sugar which would react with the yeast to create carbonation. However now, rather than measuring out granulated sugar and funneling that by hand, slowly, into each empty bottle, I'm using pre-formed sugar pellets, "Cooper's Carbonation Drops". One pellet for a 500ml bottle, two for 740mL. Easy peasy.

The assembly line went something like this. Take a clean, sanitized empty bottle. Add a small piece of masking tape to the neck, upon which is written a code to tell me what beer is inside the bottle. For the beer I was bottling, each bit of tape read "BB-XV OSDB". Drop one carbonation pellet into the bottle, then pour beer from the keg into the bottle, stopping when the beer inside the bottle rises to just above the bottom of the neck - approximately 2-1/2 inches from the top. Screw on the lid, repeat.

Last weekend, Original Sin was bottled and set into the Conditioning Cabinet. Today, I'm bottling Inevitable Betrayal. Next weekend, the former will be moved into the minifridge to begin its' final cold condition, and I plan to brew Dark Ephipany 2 Irish Stout.  More later.

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Taking Stock

Since deciding to get back in the brewing hobby last week, I realized that some of the ingredients I have on hand might be expired or nearing expiration. Furthermore, even though I have plenty of stuff here to make all of the beers in my original plan, the actual order I make those beers in might need to be adjusted to account for the different ages of the HMEs and UMEs I have.

So, first things first, inventory!

After a careful count, I have discovered that I have the following:
  • ORIGINAL Hopped Malt Extracts (HME):
    • American Devil IPA (ADIPA) (x2)
    • Bewitched Red Ale (BRA) (x1)
    • Cowboy Golden Lager (CGL) (x1)
    • High Country Canadian Draft (HCCD) (x1)
    • St Patrick's Irish Stout (SPIS) (x1)
    • West Coast Pale Ale (WCPA) (x1)
  • NEW Hopped Malt Extracts (HME):
    • American Ale (AA-2) (x1)
    • American Porter (AP-2) (x1)
    • Classic American Light (CAL-2) (x1)
    • Patriot Lager (PL-2) (x1)
    • St Patrick's Irish Stout II (SPIS-2) (x2)
  • Unhopped Malt Extracts:
    • Creamy Brown UME (x2)
    • Mellow Amber UME (x1)
    • Pale Export UME (x1)
  • Liquid Malt Extracts:
    • Robust SoftPack LME (x3)
    • Smooth SoftPack LME (x1)
  • Miscellaneous:
    • Booster Packs (x2)
    • 16 oz PET bottles (x16)
    • 24 oz PET bottles (x12)
    • Sanitizer Packs (dozens)
I had previously paired up all of the original HMEs with UMEs and Booster Packs to allow me to consume all of the ingredients without anything being left over, so leaving those pairings alone is just fine. Those six brews are:
  • Angry Weasel 2 (Pale Ale) = WCPA + Booster
  • Bitter Buzzard (English Bitter) = CGL + Mellow Amber UME + Pallisade Hops
  • Dark Epiphany 2 (Irish Stout) = SPIS + Creamy Brown UME
  • Exterminated IPA = ADIPA(x2)
  • Farty Monk 2 (Belgian Dubbel) = HCCD + Creamy Brown UME
  • Red's Revenge (Special Red Ale) = BRA + Pale Export UME + Booster
The new HMEs are self-contained and do not need either a UME or a Booster Pack, although adding an LME to any of them will add body, flavor, and other subtleties. Since I have 4 LMEs to go with the 6 new-style HMEs I have on-hand, there isn't any reason I can see to integrate them into the overall plan, which now looks like:
  • (2x) Dark Epiphany (Irish Stout) = SPIS-2 + Robust LME
  • Inevitable Betrayal (Pale Lager) = CAL-2
  • Nevermore (Porter) = AP-2 + Robust LME
  • Soylent Amber = AA-2 + Smooth LME
  • UNNAMED Lager = PL-2 
So.. arranging the brews so that older ingredients get consumed first, while ensuring that I don't make back-to-back batches with "malty" or "hoppy" flavor profiles, and doing my best to keep from making too many "light" or "heavy" beers in a row, I've come up with the following schedule:
  • BB-14: Inevitable Betrayal (Pale Lager): CAL-2 (alone)
  • BB-16: Dark Epiphany 2 (Irish Stout): SPIS-2 + Robust LME
  • BB-17: Soylent Amber (Ale): AA-2 + Smooth LME
  • BB-18: Nevermore (Porter): AP-2 + Robust LME
  • BB-19: UNNAMED Lager: PL-2 (alone)
  • BB-20: Farty Monk 2 (Belgian Dubbel): HCCD + Creamy Brown UME
  • BB-21: Dark Epiphany 3 (Irish Stout): SPIS + Creamy Brown UME
  • BB-22: Angry Weasel 2 (Pale Ale): WCPA + Booster
  • BB-23: Bitter Buzzard (English Bitter): CGL + Mellow Amber UME + Pallisade Hops
  • BB-24: Exterminated IPA: ADIPA(x2)
  • BB-25: Red's Revenge (Special Red Ale): BRA + Pale Export UME + Booster
  • BB-26: Dark Epiphany 4 Irish Stout: SPIS-2 + Robust LME
Tomorrow I'll be pulling together the ingredients for Inevitable Betrayal.... because this is a fertile beer and we will thrive!

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Hey, Didn't You Used To Be My Blog?

So, after a couple of years of idleness at the Picobrewery, Buzzard's Brew is back!

I took a quick inventory of the HMEs and UMEs this weekend, tossed all of the old PET bottles and replaced them with new ones from Rural King (Sixteen half-liter PET bottles - woo hoo!), and dug out the old Beer Plan spreadsheet to see what the original schedule was.  Turns out that except for fresh Pallisade hops and some brown sugar, I've got everything I need to for twelve varieties. So, without further ado, we're resuming with BB-XV, Original Sin Doppelbock.

The label is still awesome, though I'll need to touch it up. This is BB-XV, not BB-XII. And the bottles will be 16 Fl Oz, not 32. But otherwise - yeah - I can work with this. I still have the original artwork, and my account at BeerLabelizer should still be valid, so I don't see this as being a problem. [UPDATE:  The label image has been fixed!]

Original Sin will be based on the Linebacker Doppelbock HME and Creamy Brown UME.  It should produce a malty beer, 4.6% ABV, 34 SRM (color), 22 IBU (bitterness), and will weigh-in overall as a Class-5 Brew. I'll be making the wort, pitching the yeast, then setting it aside to ferment today. I'm hoping the ingredients are all still "good", particularly the brewer's yeast.

The original schedule called for an English Bitter - Bitter Buzzard (BB-XIV) - as the next beer, but with no hops on hand we're skipping to BB-XV and will prepare to make the Bitter in a few weeks. Besides, I will need to get some more bottles first.

Recalling the time it takes to make beer, the fermentation process takes a minimum of 2 weeks, then another 2 weeks for carbonation once the beer has been bottled, followed by 3 days of cold conditioning, makes a 31-day process.  So, the overall schedule (including future brews) for the next 3 months - assuming I keep on track - looks like:

Original Sin Doppelbock (BB-XV):  25-Jan (today): Brew & begin fermentation. 8-Feb: Bottle & begin carbonation. 22-Feb: Transfer to cold conditioning. 25-Feb: Doppelbock ready

Bitter Buzzard English Bitter (BB-XIV):15-Feb: Brew & begin fermentation (assuming I have Palisade hops & brown sugar). 1-Mar: Bottle & begin carbonation (assuming I have more bottles). 15-Mar: Transfer to cold conditioning. 18-Mar: English Bitter ready

Dark Epiphany 2 Irish Stout (BB-XVI): 8-Mar: Brew & begin fermentation. 22-Mar: Bottle & begin carbonation (assuming I have bottles available). 5-Apr: Transfer to cold conditioning. 8-Apr: Irish Stout ready.

Should be a fun spring.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

I Think I'm A Clone Now

Sitting Friday night in an Irish Pub near Cincinnati while thoroughly enjoying a few Smithwick's Irish Ales, I decided that I really needed to make a Smithwick's clone.  Unfortunately, as an Irish Red Ale, the starter ingredient lists that are compatible with my 2 gallon brewing system all begin with an Englishman's Nut Brown Ale HME.  I have only one of those left, and no more can be had since that particular HME is no longer being produced.  So even though it means I will not be able to brew my anticipated 2nd batch of Comfy Chair, I've decided to go ahead and poach that ingredient to make this clone happen.

This means a little shuffle to the scheduled brews, since this takes away key ingredients from both Comfy Chair 2 Nut Brown Ale (BB-XII) and Yellow Reign Golden Lager (unnumbered).  But the good news is that what's left from Comfy Chair (Mellow Amber UME) and Yellow Reign (Mr. Beer's "Cowboy" Golden Lager HME) can combine to form the base of an English Bitter!  So the scheduled brews are being re-done this week.

The new BB-XII will be named Boudicca's Revolting Irish Ale, after the woman who led an uprising against the Romans in 60 AD.  The Irish have adopted her as a national heroine, dubbing her the "Great Queen".  Since this beer is an Irish Red Ale, and since she was a redhead who led a revolt and who is greatly beloved by the Irish, the name, color, and style of this beer all fit together.  Plus, it has a built-in pun in case the beer comes out badly.

Afterwards will come Wuthering Weiss (BB-XIII) and then Bitter Buzzard (BB-XIV), and then we return to our regularly-scheduled beers.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Wuthering Weiss

My "unnamed" Weizenbier (BB-XIII) has finally been christened. I am calling it "Wuthering Weiss", and I've slapped together a prototypical label via MyOwnLabels.com

I think it looks a little like a slice of bread.

The other name I was kicking around was "In The Wheat Of The Night", but I didn't feel like having to pay a quarter to the pun fund every time Cynthia or Sue caught me saying it out loud.


Here's my updated brewing schedule:

BB-VII Unnamed Chrismas Stout: 7/8 Bottling, 11/11 Conditioning, 12/16 Drink
BB-VIII Nimblejack Blonde Ale: 6/30 Conditioned, 7/3 Drink
BB-IX Browncoat Ale: 7/1 Bottled, 7/15 Conditioning, 7/18 Drink
BB-X Ten If By Giant Robot Black Lager: 6/30 Brewed, 7/14 Bottling, 7/28 Conditioning, 7/31 Drink
BB-XI Rising Storm Red Ale: 7/14 Brewing, 7/28 Bottling, 8/11 Conditioning, 8/14 Drink
BB-XII Comfy Chair 2 Nut Brown Ale: 8/4 Brewing, 8/18 Bottling, 9/1 Conditioning, 9/4 Drink
BB-XIII Wuthering Weiss Weizenbier: 8/25 Brewing, 9/8 Bottling, 9/22 Conditioning, 9/25 Drink
BB-XIV Original Sin Dobbelbock: 9/15 Brewing, 9/29 Bottling, 10/13 Conditioning, 10/16 Drink

I am planning to start a new batch every THREE weeks instead of the former TWO week cycle.  Should prevent me from filling the basement with backlogged beer again, while giving me plenty of opportunity to brew new and tasty beers.  The dates above are merely a guideline.