"In dog beers, I've only had one!"

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Some Prototype Labels

Here are the prototype labels I'm working on for my next two beers. BB-VI is a Belgian Dubbel I'm calling "Farty Monk", and BB-VII will be named "Original Sin" Blonde Ale.

  • Urraca Y: Maybe the blonde ale should have a woman who looks blonde or at least some blonde color in the snake. The Farty Monk label just doesnt do anything for me. The rest of your labels have been very attractive, but this just doesnt say "Beer" or "Fun" or "Tasty" or anything.
  • Me: The Monk label was originally in the style I used for my Irish Stout - the only fundamental change there was in terms of color. I decided recently that I want a unique looks for each type of beer, so I struck out in a new direction. I guess this one was just a little too generic. Perhaps if I add little fart clouds under the tails of the lions? Naaah. Will keep on working on that.
  • Me: I came across the art for Sin a couple of days ago and am eager to get it onto a label, but perhaps waiting for a dark beer would be more appropriate. I have a Dopplebock I'll be making, but that's scheduled to be BB-XII... I'm not even halfway there yet!
  • Me: Here's an alternate name/design for the Blonde ... "Nimblejack"
  • Urraca Y: I like it.
  • Me: And an alternate for the Dubbel... not sure about the palette yet but you get the idea about where I'm going.

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